

Thursday, December 23, 2010

this picture reminds me of a conversation I had with my mum and brother yesterday.

brother was talking about KungFu Panda part 2 coming out in 2011. and my mum was sebok-seboking saying 'OHHHH, TAT ONE RITE'. and i was saying dun mcm paham and all. And she remind me that we watched the movie together last time and said;

"Ibu ingat laa, citer nie yg bapak dier itik & anak dier panda gemok tu kann?"
And i started laughing and said;
"Mcm manerr laaa bapak dier itik kecik bleh dpt anak gemok besar mcm panda tu ehh?"
And my mum said;
"Yelarrr, mcm ibu, ibu kann kecik mcm ayam, skali dpt anak besar gedabak mcm kakak. Kakak tu Panda laaa."

toot tooot eh my mum. HAHAHA. my mum is so terribly funnehhh nowadays. I dunnoe wad has got into her. :P

the reason for not updating much is simply because: i just got back my baby sony the last 2 days. and now my hands are itching to snap snap.

honestly, this week i havent yet get a chance to just sit at home and rest.
Since last sunday, till next monday i sure have something on. And down with cough & flu. Sucky much. But i feel contented as i have the loveliest people around me. :)


Monday, December 6, 2010

i just love this pic cann?
just because maxi dresses makes me look a little bit slimmer.
little bit only. hehh.

i have difficulty in breathing for quite a no. of days already.
  1. overweight check: nope. i even lost 1kg.
  2. stress check: maybe yes? due to preparations & upcoming events and stuffs like tat. but erms, i shudn't be stressed abt all these rite? shish.

oh maybe, i need a holiday. its been so long. i can't bear to wait for the honeymoon. tu lain cerite laa okay?

sometimes, i just think that you're too perfect for me. :/


Thursday, December 2, 2010

so fastttt eh.

i can feel the heat coming on already.
breathe in, breathe out.

1,2 step.

Diana Vickers. :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can't explain what it is
It takes my heart on a ride
The thought of seeing you
You teach me more everyday
You live your life more than me
It's not bother, it's you I see

Who knows what happens now
One day things will change I know
But today, here and now
I don't have any doubts at all

That it's me and you
Stuck like glue
Soul to soul
Hope from hope
Perfect to, me and you

I don't know why I'm afraid
It's losing you that I dread
I shudder at the thought
You are the medicine jar
You're the court and the spark
I'll love you when I'm old

Who knows what happens now
When we take our final bow
But today, here and now
I don't have any doubts at all

me & you;
love me when i'm old.

just make me smile. :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

i was browsing through my calendar for 2011 when i saw this.
it made my heart "auuuw-ed".

its simple to please me and make me happy. just be creative in your own way. i dun need expensive stuffs, candlelight dinner or wadsoever. just as per abv, is enough to make me smile from ear to ear.

satu, satu, saya sayang _____ ? :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

14th Nov;

a belated anniversary celebration.

we really planned this properly. coz, we dun want to miss out anything on that day. hehh.
we bought advance tickets. tell me abt it. we were super kanchiong as we dun want to go on the day itself with the counter saying, "tickets sold out."
so yeaa, tix bought super advanced. :D

and so, we had breakfast at LJS. i had super big crave for this. nyomms.
so, here it is! like, my little dream came true gituu kan. hehh!
and ouh, heavy downpour. umbrella wasnt useful. and we bought a TWO LOLLAR poncho!
as it was raining, all rides had to close due to thunder & lightning. (stoopid! -__-)
so, we had no other where to go, we queued up for this. we were there for abt nearly an hour. but the wait was worth it. this ride is uber cool.

the groom to be. cheyy.
and he was uber excited to buy the water bottle tat he was holding. semangat gituu you noe! :P

Hari Raya Haji 10'
no mood to chantik-chantik. just wear wadever my mum asked me to wear. hehhhh.

saya sesunggohnya geram dgn Saif. semangat arhh ni budak.
only 1/4 of the family. abg sedares/kakak sedares/more makciks & pakciks not there.

and atlast, i got to taste Wendy's in my mouth. hehh.
Aidil: Eh, Wendy's halal ker?
Azman: Dah halal laa, kau nampak tu logo Wendy's kann? Skarang dier dah pakai tudung tau.

-________- mehhhhk.
the baked potates; Ya Allah. mintak ampunn laaaa. sedap sunggoh.
durh, its real. if not, it can't be in my tummy rite? hehh.
happy people.

we had good laugh inside Wendy's.

setahun sudah, kita lalui.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

really, time seems to just F-L-Y.
with just a blink of the eyes, its already a year together with Azman Shariff.
a bliss, alhamdullilah.
we both have great understandings with each other.
what more can i say,
my heart feels contented when im with you.
sayaaaaaang azman laaahhh!

preparations have started. busy-ness; here it comes.

studioshoot on the 19th Dec. i super cannot wait for this.
but, im super worried if i don't look good with the tudung that they're going to wear for me.
so, lets just wait and see eh.

there's so many things inside my head. like, as if there are little minions talking inside it. some saying about wedding, some saying about outings, some saying about honeymoon trip, some saying about having kids. yikes. so many.

ok bye. i shall just shoo them away.

u make me go; ljksfdbfldjffk.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

as usual, tremendous late update.

it was realllieeeee goood. much more scarier than the Halloween at Night Safari.
next year pegi lagii joms!

and ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS with these peopleeee!

 and pretty pleaseeeee. i wanna own a rabbit. uber duber cuteeeee!
 and i love the kampong houseee!

nyet, LU ROCK ARH!

and ouh, 21st bday was awe-to-the-some. :)
with MYT3s around, fiance and my family would just be enough to make me happy.

tokyo, disneyland. :D

chentaku. ♥

Friday, October 22, 2010

november, smiles?

Monday, October 18, 2010

its not because of NO SHAME.

she literally forced me to post my wishes/wants for my bdae as ermms, she wants to fullfill just ONE of them. I repeat, ONE.

1st and foremost, i would be the happiest girl if i get this in for freeeee!

and of coz, this. i can't afford this though.
 i noe i have a DSLR already. but, this would be nice as i love cameras with LCDs that can be twisted and turned. As you noe, i love to syiok sendiri mahhh.
 sexy or wad this wallet. one for me please? i dunnoe how much but i heard its quite ex hor. if cannot buy for me this, i'll ask as my Hantaran with the bag one set arh. Amaciamz.
 ermms, this one not reallie important arh. but if wanna give also cann! orang memberi, kiter menerima.
btol hak hak hak?!

and ouh, this would be heaven.
perangai budak gemok rite? i noe.
but i love all these laaa.

my wish;
to live a happy life with no regrets, but just smiles.
to have a blissful marriage and have 2 beautiful kids with a loving husband.

and also, to meet my love ones in Jannah.
InsyaAllah, Amin.


when everything goes your way, and the sudden thought of the possibilities of negative things that may happen, i just want to cry. God can do anything with just a flick of His fingers. We can't stop Him but what can we do?

Pray & be Good.

I wanna next year May to come fast. Where these insecurities will all be gone.

its Monday, and i have a fantastic week to look forward to. So, just smile okay? :/


Saturday, October 16, 2010

hello helloooo, kopi dan milo.
i can't wait for next week oooo.

next weeek, starting from Thursday, all the way to Sunday, full of events!
uber excited laa cann? fast forward also cann?
thanks cann?

being random on a Saturday morning coz i'm working. not feeling sian, just want to feel my bed like please.
okay dah.
i love everyone. bye.


Monday, October 11, 2010

photoshoot again. ♥
it was uber hot weather. sweating and smudge eyeliners.
but we still dun care ahhhh.

ala-ala photographer professional. :P

Ariah Allysadora Jeffri
 Jacintha Ravindran

and i believe many of you had weddings to attend on 10.10.10 rite?
because that's reallie a very nice dateee. :)

dearest cousin's wedding.

my wedding. EHHH. SALAH PULAK.
NOT YET. NOT YET. hehhhh.
but i love the pelamin that they did inside the house.

i ada story mahu di-share.

blooood was gushing out when a 'little tree branch' poked my top right toe.

i was shocked by the amount of blood. Pain indeed, but i tried to tahan infront of dearest. I didnt wan to show him i'm one lembeekkkk girl. al-maklom lah, dulu kann NCC. Hehh. But when he was wiping it with tissues, i couldn't stand one "OUCH" to be free-ed from my mouth.

And this conversation makes me smile coz i find it too cute.

"Ouww, sakit seii."
Him: "Mcm maner boleh terkene dahan nie?"
"Tu laa, i ponn tak prasan."
Him: "Dahan maner satu yg cocok kaki you nie?"
"Ntah laa, bnyk sngt dahan pat sini. Asal u tanyer dahan yg maner satu?"
Him: "Yelarr, jadi i bleh HEPPPPPPP dier."

"Heppp"; as in like mothers scolding their kids. I couldnt stand his face i tell youuu.

when your randomns turn into awesomes. :)

beyonce/michael jackson.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

oh no, i dun sheesha. Just went there to meet these bunch of nonsense ppl. hehh.

ain need to stop with the "NAD NADD KAU JOGET MCM NIE NAD!"
firstly it was the Beyonce den Michael Jackson. Lepas nie aku tak tau aper pulak ehhhh. HAHAHA.

its the 11th Chapter already. and we both totally forgot about it.
time seems to be too fast eh.

Smile is my favourite.
You make me smile, therefore, you are my favourite.