
aaaap dettt!

Monday, May 31, 2010

alriteee! lets give a round of applause becoz i'm atlast, updating my blog! hehhhhh.

the below events were seriously baccck dated.

went for mkn-mkn with my department at Jayy Bee!
Like, first ever time they held a mkn-mkn at JB. went for seafoood. and the food was superrb. but i was sweating like crazyyy bcoz the food was spicy plus the place was non-airconditioned.

the day has not ended. we went to Jusco for secret recipe to have our dessert.

and also, another Jay-Beee outing. ishk, mentang-mentang dah dpt greeen light, asyik pegi JB jeee.
but i still had to go through the obstacles when asking permission from the parents to go JB.

one-word : menyeksa!

and hell yeaaaa. the nearest A&W we can get will be Johore Bahru Jusco.

aku gemok. k bye.

let's sing-a-long with me coz i dun wanna hear my voice alone;


Friday, May 21, 2010

the picture should tell you that i'm totally addicted to this.
i have it on my itouch so i can watch it anywhere. hehh. eleh, action pulak.

and yes, seriously, i need to have a super proper update for this blog. had time, but i spent the time either watching glee or playing games on itouch. eversince i jailbreaked the itouch, (credits to NADD!) i'm stucked to it. i think i got no life. :/

i need to hit back the gym pleaseeee. excessive fats are showing off like woo-haaa. afiq says he's going gym with me during his sch holidays. woah. a hot brother and a FAT sister. Godd. paiseh laa. but nvr mind, im gg to give it a try. hehh.

Ariah says; "Ariah is so fat that when she walked passed my itouch, I will miss 3 episodes of GLEE."
Nyesa says; "Nisa is so fat that your mum got no space to stay in your house and tat is why she ran away."

hahah. that cracked me up.

; makes me appreciate life even more. :)

take a breathe.

Friday, May 14, 2010

after what had happened, the urge of deleting the FB account is so big. but to think back, what for when i've done nothing wrong? when there are just people out there who thinks that my status-es are for them when i didnt even think of anything else except for myself. the thing is, when looking back, i just couldn't find the reason why must the people ever think that way. aiyoooo. dugaan kot?

and then, after telling ibu about the incident, dier bukan nak side aku tau. she even asked me to delete FB. she said im the nonsense one why must i post like tat blah blah blah. and she even said "kene marah ponn nak post on FB". and im likee comeee onnnnnnnn. this is wad happens when the MAKCIKs have FB account. too kaypo plus nothing better to do but to see wad their anak sedare(s) have been doing on FB and denn start to assume things and start calling up mcm makcik kaypo and spreaaaad the rumours. and pls, ATLEAST, i dun post peekturess of ME KISSING A GUY okayy? which one would you prefer?

ERRGGHHXZX. yes I AM ANGRY. effingggg angry. nak nangis arh.

that deserve.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

but not too many mistakes. human beings easily get bored of mistakes over same mistakes. :)

sometimes, i wanna laugh my ass off.
sometimes, i wanna knock her head.
sometimes, i wanna cry because i'm sad, looking at you, trying to tell yourself you're doing great, your family is doing fine, and you're one hot stuff.
oh-emm-gee rite?
come on, u're at fault. dun act as if u've done nothing wrong.
if you didnt do anithing, u won't act like how u're acting right now.

quoted from her:
"..... no matter hw bad i am.. i nvr be an hassle to my parents.. & one more thing i heard tat they envied my beauty haha.. such a pain in d ass!"
auwww, who envied ur beauty?

i'm not saying im the pretty one here. but, i'm really willing to lend my full-length mirror. i sanggup la drag my mirror only for you baby.

maybe, u're the one who has got a pain in the ass by making it painful by itself.
idiotical human being.

fast. cepat.

Friday, May 7, 2010

24wks, 6mnths, 1/2yr.

time flies eh?
like reaaaal fast.

we can just sit down and look at the calendar. its already May. where were Jan/Feb/March & April? To think back, i couldnt even remember wad i was doing. But when i go through back my blog/organizer, denn i can start reminiscing.

monday taday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gardens by the Bay @ Marina.

i am sunggoh ghairah for this to be opened up. i think i'll be like one kid jumping and smiling to herself as she walks past this beautiful place. but, only next year it will be opened. i dun careee. its already in my list of places to go to. heh.

i've just completed my list of places to go / to do.
MYT3s, take note of this. will show you both the list bcoz i only want to complete this list with you both and the boys! ♥ mwah!

yesterdae was A-W-E-someee. caught IRONMAN 2 by occupying the right-hand most front seats. 6 people. oopsie, shall not say much as i will update it with photos in the next post.

i got no monday blueeeees today. happy enough?