i guess, blogging is when i feel like i want to. heh.
first & foremost, syukur Alhamdullilah.
A little one is growing inside! Having to know the developments, reading from one week to another and how the growth continues, amaze me. From just the size of a seed, can grow into hands, legs, eyes, head etc etc. And of course, morning sickness and a few other symptoms are there to remind you; "Yes, you are having a baby inside you". First check-up, i gained 9kgs. my jaw literally dropped. Seriously. And seeing through the ultrasound, the size of a seed, just makes me wanna tear up. So, where does the 9kg come from eh? Haha. So you can imagine how gigantic i may look now. :P
Everyone around me has been super duper supportive and extra caring. Especially the hubs, ibu & mum-in-law. They are too sweet. Hubs kept on saying i look more & more attractive day by day. Yer ker nieeeee? Hehh. Oh, he knows that we, pregnant women need those kind of words more rather than saying us fat. Right? I can be unreasonably sensitive with just a little word. Sucks much.
So here it is, im about 9 weeks already.
Say hi!