
do what makes you oh-so happy! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

hello September!
these photos were actually taken by ourselves. well, actually using the remote control for the Canon!
i've been wanting to do this for so long after i bought the remote from gmarket which was super duper cheap tat time.

so, last Saturday, we had nowhere to go after we brought Qusyairi for a swim. (which he only swam for awhile coz the water was super duper cold la.)

and so here we go for our syiok sendiri pics!
the pic below was taken a few times till it looked abit perfect.
it was difficult with a little one to take photos. really. 
Qusyairi was already hek hok hek hok here & there but we just buat bodoh. 

we had less than 30 shots & didn't expect every shot to turn out well but, some was really niceee!
i kept smiling to myself when i see those photos again & again. hehe.

  so the last few ones he started crying already. he was already sleepy laa during this time. 

do what makes you oh-so happy. taking pics of my own family & other ppl's happy occasion makes me happy. & not forgetting balloons! mehehe.