
27th week.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Been absolutely busy for the past few weeks.

Admitted in hospital for the very first time in my life(except for giving birth). I was panicked & shocked when i saw blood in my panties. Well, i had bleeding for the first trimester of this pregnancy but that was normal. But bleeding in 6months? Oh my. I called up KK & they asked me to come down to check.

Went there checked baby's heartbeat and i got admitted. Alhamdullilah everything was fine. Baby is growing well, heartbeat normal. Bleeding was maybe due to low placenta. And my tummy seems to be smaller compared to when i was having Qusyairi. That is why there are times when i didnt get a seat in the MRT. Ppl might thought that my tummy is just buncit. Kesian kan. :(

I guess, these are dugaan(s) from the Almighty. Problems during pregnancy, problems at work. And there was this one time when i quarelled with my mum. Gosh, me & my sensitive-ness.

I've got a few more months to overcome all these. Dec, start maternity leave and next year a SAHM. Yezzaaaar. :P

i thank God for this wonderful hoosband of mine. been very supportive & giving me lots of advice. 
always pamper me with my cravings. tolerating my mood swings, and listening to all my rants. 
doesn't mind the shirt getting all wet due to my tears & hingus. :P
larbchuuuuu lah. 

haiya, its super difficult to take his pic okay. this was yesterday's Aidiladha's pics.
love the outfit that my mum bought for Qusyairi. Deepavali came early for him laaa. Hahah.

He's been very active. Walk here walk there, talk his nonsense language which sometimes only my mum & me can understand. He loves fishball & nasi ayam alot. Chocolates too. Especially kit-kats. Hahahah.
His tummy very buncit now like the father. :P hehehe!

I don't know how to put in words of how much i love this boy. 
He make me laugh everyday, he makes me tired but i enjoyed every moment of it. 
I can cry if i didn't meet him just for one day.