
Azman Shariff

Friday, April 11, 2014

I would like to dedicate this post to my one & only husband.

He has that patience & a strong heart to avoid negative comments.
Those comments doesn't come from anywhere but from his very own flesh & blood. Those were directed to him, but i'm the one who's hurt. I'm the one who feels like punching that person's face. 

But he will be like; 

"Biar lah dia ckp mcm tu. Sabar aje okay?"

Sigh, i'm not saying my husband is a good person, but masyaAllah, may Allah grant him the highest level in Jannah. I wanna meet him there. InsyaAllah. :'(

Thank you for being the best. 

Thank you for being such a responsible father to both our kids.
Thank you for always keeping your promises.
Thank you for pampering me. 
Thank you for being always there.

"Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning"

two thousand fourteen.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hi, it's April already?! 

I didn't even have time to blog when i sit at home handling 2 boys. I'm blogging now coz i'm at work which my last day would be in 30th April? Yerp, tendered and sadly i couldn't clear my leave. They will pay me by cash. So yerp, SAHM waiting for me. A total of mixed feelings actually. I've decided to leave my monthly pays & bonuses to take care of my boys.

Alot of ppl says that i look like him? So happy like gundu. Hahah. Coz Qusyairi looks more like my husband and eveywhere i go will be like "Eh, muker ikot ayah dier eh. Eh, perangai mcm bapak dier eh." (Coz he can't keep still just like Azman when he was young.) So etc, etc. So when Qautsar came out looking like me, it feels as if the 9mnths carrying him inside my tummy was paid off la. Hehe. But but, at the end of the day, doesn't matter who looks like who, who follows who. Yang penting, jadi anak yg soleh & baik. InsyaAllah. Amin Amin.

Khair Qautsar is totally different from Khair Qusyairi. When Qusyairi was in the early months. He 'loves' to cry. What i meant by crying is: wailing. We got scared & panicked & stressed up lorr. As first timers, of coz we had no experience in dealing with small babies. So, i got to know that what i ate for Qusyairi during pregnancy was lotsa rubbish. I love eating fast food during his time. Drink super cold drinks & love to come home late at night (of coz with the husb). So, that actually causes 'Kembong Perot': Air in tummy. That was why he cried so much due to pain.

When i knew i got pregnant again, i've learnt my lesson. I had fast food like twice or thrice throught the whole 9months. And i love to drink warm soya bean. And of coz, doa(s). Hehehe. And, Alhamdullilah for Qautsar! :)

I still remember when i was in labour for Qautsar. It wasn't time yet. In fact, it was 1 month earlier. I was bleeding a little & that day I was suppose to go for check up too. I went to KK straight and cervix was only abt 3-5cm. 2 out of 10 of contraction pain. I got warded & contractions became more painful. (mcm tau pulak masok hospital). Got transferred to the labour ward & pain got worse. I remembered i told the nurse i want to go for opt coz i couldn't stand the pain. And my husb shirt got pulled everytime i tried dealing with the contraction. Subhanallah, only God knows how painful it was. But Alhamdullilah, i gave birth to a healthy boy. :)

30th april, come fast. I wanna be with my boys 24/7!