

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


The minute when Qusyairi's teacher said; "Qusyairi mummy, hold on ya i need to talk to you". My heart was beating reaaal fast coz the other day, i overheard a conversation between his teacher & a mommy. Saying that the child said some bad words in class & the teacher even asked the child who taught you all those words and the child just kept quiet.

So, being a worry mummy, i thought Qusyairi did the same thing. I was even ready to scold him infront of his teacher.

But then... The teacher said;

"Qusyairi mummy, which hand does he usually use to hold his pencil? Bcoz he kept on changing hands. But when he hold on the left, he can grip really well."

I laughed with a sigh of relief! I thought he did something bad in school. Heheh. The teacher was actually worried if its okay to let him use his left hand. Then i said, i'm a lefty too & i guess he's the same. 😂

He still change from left hand to right hand whenever he's tired of one hand. Ahduiii budak satu ni. 


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Alhamdullilah, MasyaAllah.

Got addicted with buying online stuffs from ezbuy(daigou). Being a housewife is equals to: wanting all my stuffs to be below $10. Yess, i sound cheapskate but i loooove cheap stuffs. I can't be bothered when ppl tell me about their expensive bags, clothes etc etc.

Bcoz, easy. I'm not working and i dun hv as much money as them lor. And i dun go around asking my husb for money to buy this and that. Coz i know how much he has to pay. Kalau ada lebih, ada lah. ✌

Bought 3 things from ezbuy that cost less than $20.
- long cardigan
- white top
- sling bag

Now whenever i go window shopping & the husb will ask; "you nak tak baju tu?"

And i will answer, "nope unless its below $10." Huhuhu. 

Wah, if travelling is as cheap as ezbuy, i would have travelled every week. 

So lets, keep calm & save for travelling! 😂