
and, another one.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

MYT3s, went for another photo-taking/syiok sendiri/model-like photoshoot. hehhs.

u can call us kental, but we're still cool in our own ways. :P

i suddenly miss you both too terribly. too terribly that i want to pee in both ur mouths. cann? haha.

lets go for photoshoot again once i get my 50mm lens plsss! and yes, i am so going to grab one at the IT Fair which is upcoming soon.

and one more thing, engagement pics are up! visit my FB for all the peektures okay? :)

there are times when you thought that it was better off THAT way.

that long holiday;

Saturday, February 20, 2010

and so, im hereeee to update. i noe im late. im just purely lazy to update. nyehss.

and that was it; 14th Feb. here are only some of the photos tat the photographer gave to me. will get it soon and will upload in FB for sure. hehs. here are only some sneak peaks. :)

the pics tat he gave to me are all the candid ones lor. no proper pretty ones. hhah. have to wait for him to give me like everyyythingg. i cant wait!

and Alhamdullilah the ceremony was great. And thanks again to the ones who came and make the occasion more livelier and of coz, KECOH! and sorie for the cramp space; too many ppl and the heat becomes more melampau. hehhs. but wadever it is, it was an awesome day. :)

and the next day; KITE-FLYING!
at a diff place from where i usually go to. this one is much more UN-crowded and ample space to fly the kites.

he said "penat laa diri; nak try bareng pulakk arh!"
i say; "okayyy lah! i temankan uu lah!"

and ouh, after that we thought of having dinner at ECP but damn, there were too many ppl. Maklommm lah, holiday. so, we decided to buy macd n kfc and made a mini picnic. syiok i tell you. it was unexpected windy and lovely plus abit romantic. wahaha. and also, thanks shafiee for his doraemon's van. hehhs.

its the start of something new;
lets hold hands and do this together.

one more freaking step;


Saturday, February 13, 2010

and so, the day arrives tomorrow; 14th Feb 2010.

be happy; pls?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i miss this thing cann? how i wish i can just sit down and play the toys again without anyone saying "eeee, dah besar ponn nak maen mainan". and especially barbie dolls. i will remember me and cousins will bring over our barbies to grandma's house and play there. super syiok. but now, no more.

im a big girl edii. too big indeed. haha.

and on Monday, met up with my sec sch classmates! OMG. its has been like oh-so-longg since i sit down and talk to them laaa! as usual, we will talk about our sec sch things tat made us laugh like hell. especially the part when Mr Lim, our POA teacher smiled, showing his teeth just bcoz someone asked him to smile. hahaha. tell you, that teacher hardly smiles. and we were quite curious on how he would look like if he smiled.

and of coz, pics must be taken! we are all so grown up edii. working adults huh? feewits.

can we do this more often? too much catching ups till i forgot certain things that need to be told. hehhs.

4more days, everyone is getting me excited. Suffi posted the Final Countdown music video on my FB wall and kak shida wrote on my wall reminding me its 4 more days left. omggg. and now i feel mcm nak terkencing pulakk. hehhs.

love ur morning calls,
love when you go that extra mile buying me lunch and did not forget my green tea.
love the way u do little things and make me smile till the ear.

i thought there's no one left,
but u make me realized;


Saturday, February 6, 2010

in a day, many things.

“When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you.
When a guy is quiet, he’s listening to you.
When a guy is not arguing, he realizes he’s wrong.
When a guy says, “I’m fine,” after a few minutes, he means it.
When a guy stares at you, he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do too.
When you’re laying your head on a guy’s chest, he has the world.
When a guy calls you every day, he is in love.
When a guy says he can’t live without you, he’s with you till you’re done.
When a guy says, “I miss you,” he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else.”

Read that. Got it from tumblr. Realie loves the posts on tumblr and the pics too. Sumtimes, when i looked at reallie pretty pics; i will go "OMG OMG OMG. so niceeeee." and after that, i will wonder why are they so creative? jealousy strucks. and noo, cannot be jealous. Coz that's the speciality that God has given to them. And everyone including you, has that special thing too. :))

ALOT of things happened yesterdae.

Early in the morning Ariah bobariah texted me;
"Morning awakkkkk, Tadi pagi awak joget ehh? Because kat california ader earthquake! [:"

Bacennnnn. I couldn't stop smiling like one kerang busokkkk after i read that. And i told her, i actuallie danced hiphop. Sebab tuuuu laaaa. huahua.

And in the afternoon, bf called using another hp number. He made a diff voice and pretended to be Rahim.

Bf: Nak kenal-kenal boleh?
Me: Harh? Malas arh nak layan. BYE!
And i put down the fone. HAHA.

I didnt know it was him and he called me back saying, "asal seii you letak." And i answered, "Abeh u merepek." Trying to test me eh youu. But too bad, i only want to kenal-kenal with Azman Shariff. hehhhs. :P

AND, i met MR DENTIST in the evening.

Before that, Ariah fetched me from work. Did i just type fetch? Hell yeah. That sweet pretty girl fetched me from work. nyahah. And she came over my house and we had monopolydeal-athon. played over and over again till about 7.45pm. And the best part was, i only won ONE TIME. how greaaaaat. Punishment was, i have to call her pretty for one week. Shuddup.

So, get back to the Dentist. I just love the feeling after the cleaning up. Its like when i use my tongue to feel my bottom front teeth, i feel as if it got ample space in between the tooths. IF, they aren't expensive, i will surely go everyweeek. huahua.

i've wrote down a list of places to go after the 14th; and i realized, there's quite a number of things.

can't wait for the clock to strike 6.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

i love it when randomn things happen on a randomn day.
especially from the ones we love.

and i can't stop smiling to myself looking at the pic abv.
sometimes, i just wish, what i want to wish will come true.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i joined this group on FB;

"Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in ur life".

which is true yeah? but if i want the person to still be in my life, but the person doesn't, what am i suppose to do? i've tried every single ways but failed. i still get the cold shoulder. there are also ppl who were there, trying to help.

i forgive too easily. i noe that. i know there are ppl out there taking advantage of it. But, im alright with it. I dun need any enemies to make me happy. ;)

and ZOMG. issit february already?

too many things coming up! my planner is almost filled up with things already; which i really love it. teehehhs.
