

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i miss this thing cann? how i wish i can just sit down and play the toys again without anyone saying "eeee, dah besar ponn nak maen mainan". and especially barbie dolls. i will remember me and cousins will bring over our barbies to grandma's house and play there. super syiok. but now, no more.

im a big girl edii. too big indeed. haha.

and on Monday, met up with my sec sch classmates! OMG. its has been like oh-so-longg since i sit down and talk to them laaa! as usual, we will talk about our sec sch things tat made us laugh like hell. especially the part when Mr Lim, our POA teacher smiled, showing his teeth just bcoz someone asked him to smile. hahaha. tell you, that teacher hardly smiles. and we were quite curious on how he would look like if he smiled.

and of coz, pics must be taken! we are all so grown up edii. working adults huh? feewits.

can we do this more often? too much catching ups till i forgot certain things that need to be told. hehhs.

4more days, everyone is getting me excited. Suffi posted the Final Countdown music video on my FB wall and kak shida wrote on my wall reminding me its 4 more days left. omggg. and now i feel mcm nak terkencing pulakk. hehhs.

love ur morning calls,
love when you go that extra mile buying me lunch and did not forget my green tea.
love the way u do little things and make me smile till the ear.

i thought there's no one left,
but u make me realized;

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