last wed, met up with this bobariah early in the morning to exchange our cameras.
lemme tell you one secret, ARIAH BLM MANDI LOR. haha.
and took half day leave, and off to JB. seriously, tat was my ferst time going to a foreign country without my parents. although its only for a few hours, its a total new experience and im wanting more of this pls! :)
we were looking at the LCD screen infrnt of ariah's camera. the camera alwaes tak sabar to take pics one. i noe laa i pretty. ooops. >.<
kire duit yeee bang? hehhs.
and yesterdae, 10.04.10, dempsey hill for Ben & Jerry's!
ouh, my MENTEL BOY!
belgian mix-and-match. yumss!
my pontehhh couple at the back! seboksssss.
my another pontehh couple. hehhs.
"i don't need a parachute, baby i've got you"
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