

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


i feel bad everytime i abandon this blog of mine. but abandon shouldn't be the right word. nyehh.
just no time/no mood to update. like seriously, as usual, i've got tons of things to update here.

things happening around me right now, are just not the right things,
not the usual things that are SUPPOSEDLY, supposed to be happening.

but who said, whatever we've planned will turn out to be exactly what we've planned?

ALLAH maha kuase, He has written how our life will turn out to be even before we were born.
so, accept life in whatever shape it will be aite?

just be thankful.
and again i repeat, THANKFUL.

ya Allah.

Friday, June 25, 2010

dugaan demi dugaan; in this little place called life.

I seriously don't get it when someone has done something wrong and PROUDLY said that she is not scared if anyone knows about it. And at last, she wouldn't even want to admit it. Honestly, this is not the first time sweetheart. This is the efffffffingggg 2nd time. Come one, how old are you? We're nearly the same age but only separated by a few months. You're just lucky that i didnt print out what you've posted in your blog. And u're damn lucky that i didn't even show it to the person that you've mentioned in that post.

i hate the fact when my anger broke into tears when i can't hold my anger anymore. and i hate the fact too, when my words got vanished when i'm too angry.


kann nur anisah dah maki. not the usual me. that's not nur anisah.

its not that i don't want to talk face-to-face to them. they just don't want. coz, they merely said, MALAS NAK LAYAN. whatttt a reasssonn. tskk.

these ppl are just plain stoopid. and ppl who are not meant to terase, plsssss dun terase cann? get a freaking life. :)

okay wadever, lets move on with life with a smileeee okay? i won't let these kind of childish things affect my greaaat life.

and so, love got BISUL.

i thought it wasn't that serious until i accompanied him to a nearby clinic and the doctor referred him to NUH. and then, he was asked to do an operation the very next day. and i thought, it was like a normal cut-off-the-thing-and-can-go-home kind of thing. BUT NO. he had to stay inside the Day Surgery ward. so, i took half day and went to visit him. watch him sleep, gave him drinks whenever he's thirsty, massage his head coz he was having terrible headache. an experience i will never forget. :)

i dunnoe why, but i just love visiting the hospitals. especially for my love ones. i love taking care of them, be with them by their side. its really great feeling. :) oh, maybe that's why i got Nurse for my poly application last time. but nahh, i can cuci pantat my love ones but not the ahpeks. hehhh. geli akuuu.

"you'll just be my nurse then"
- swtheart.


Friday, June 18, 2010

when the word family comes across my mind,
i will picture a family that consists of a man and a lady, with two beautiful children,
running, smiling, catching each other, tickling each other. and of coz, the sound of laughters; sincere laughters to be exact.

but the thought of seeing families tearing apart, going hay-wire here and there will just break my heart. where are the responsibilities? the need to take care of the kids. the need to give them the food and care that they need.

and also, families who stay under ONE roof, but talk behind each other's back about the things they are unhappy about. what's the use of talking when you're just hurting ur own feelings inside?

im scared.
im going to start a family soon. i mean, not THAT soon. insyaAllah if God gives me the rezeki. :)
becoming a mom, educating my children, understanding them.
will i be a good mom? will i have the respect that i should get? bcause, you know, kids nowadays are damn rude.

am i ready for all that?

whenever i say that i'm scared to the fiance, he will say;
"jgn takot syg, kalau you takot, lagiiiii laa i takot"
and he will say:
"most importantly, understand each other. without that, it will be hard."

because he knows that his working shift and all that might affect our relationship.

gosh, i miss him already. and its not even a day.

all that i can do is, pray for the best.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


sweechrt will be away for 3 effings days to KL. like wad? 3 days only mahh.
i noeee. iduncare. im going hug this teddy tightly while u're away. hehh.

i want more coloured pens pls?
and dun reallie like my organiser for this year.
to small to write anithing and to decorate like alot of things.

i would really love to say this to those who reallyyy succccck over idiot stuffs.
hell yeah.

since im as fat as a FISHBALL & MEATBALL,
i've started back gym-ing like, alone.
weird at first but, i feel kinda cool after tat. nyehehe.

my pontehhhs, i miss you both like MAD COW DISEASE.
pleaseeee meeet up this friday okay? pls pls pls.

to be grateful;
syukur alhamdullilah;

pahlawan feat. helix bridgee.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

on 5th June, snapping with the 2 colleagues at Sentosa, Pahlawan Beach. damn hotttt and sunnny. But good, we have aloot of chances to take photos. hehh. the actual plan was to actuallie go to 2 places. sentosa and helix bridge on the same day. but cinthaaa had to go for some appointments and we planned to go the next week, which was on the 10th June for Helixxx Bridge.

would you still love me if i have a pout-your-mouth disease? hehh.

feeling-feeling fish eyeee.

and syiook or wadd this thing? after all the wet armpits, going inside an air-conditioned place & teh peng is oh-so-gooood!

and so, this will be on the 10th June.

fine, the thing about night photography is, its dark. DUHH. =.=
and, to make a pic look nice, we're not suppose to use flash.
and when we can't use flash, we have to put our camera to the shutter mode.
and, the shutter mode should be; long exposure which means, longer shutter.
with the longer shutter, our hands tend to shake. and when our hands tend to shake, THERE GOES the blurrryyyy pics. SUCKY YOU KNOWW.

AND OH, i have a friend called mr tripod. but i dun like bringing him along. so ma-fannn!
and so, here are the only nice oneeesss. hehh.
and cinthaa was trying out my camera. we exchanged cameras. and seriously, when u're used to holding a sony, i can go very sotong with nikon. hehh.

and i was ALLLL greeen & grey on that day.
green shawl,
green pants,
green bag & greeeen tea.
green tea is a must.

ok dah.

amm watching karate kid with the fianceee later. and he said, he's bringing me to a place i've never go to before. i wonder whereeee.
ishk, syg lu arh.

and, and,
what does jealousy means when you're jealous at the wrong timing?

dah tue oi.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

okayy, this was on the 4th of June. A bdae surprise for the Shapiee. As per usual, he doesnt semmed surprised at all. Susah btol nak surprisekan nie tue. haha.

and the makcikssss bnyk kecohh wooooo.

the 7th;

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

“Love is a funny thing. You expect it to be easy. You expect it to be a world of roses and laughs and perfect moments that you find only in movies. You expect him to always say the right thing, and always know exactly how you feel, or exactly how to react to it. You expect him to calm you down when you’re yelling or to chase you when you run away. You expect so much that you feel entirely, and utterly defeated when something doesn’t exactly match up with all your plans. But that’s the thing, love isn’t a plan. It doesn’t have a certain beginning and it certainly has no end or visible finish line to those deeply in it. Love happens, and it is so incredibly messy.”

the 7th and more to come.
less than three you, to the mucch.

65; alone.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

taking pics and pics being taken always get me excited.
the feeling of how great the pic turns out to be and the cant-wait feeling to have the pics edited. hehh.

and oh, had a great time with my 2 usual workmates at pahlawan beach. nope, we didnt go there for a picnic but we were there taking pics. promise, pics will be up soon. insyaAllah.

but the thing i wanna point out in this post is that, after the long day, i decided to take bus 65 from harbourfrnt all the way home; alone. it has been quite some time since i took 65 from there. and so i decided. and so, i realised how time flies, how ppl change, and the memories came by. laughters, cries and silence. and to be honest, i missed my head on someone's shoulder in a bus. shall ask love to take public transport with me one day. hehhs. :))
