

Monday, August 23, 2010

The past is there for us to learn. For us to remember the mistakes that we’ve made, so that we won’t make those same mistakes again in the future. Don’t dwell on the past so much that you can’t move forward. Don’t let the past hurt you so much that you can’t enjoy the present, and look forward to the future. Remember, the past is a chapter in your life, and not the final fullstop.
- Life’s Little Wonders

YESS, come on nisaaaa.
Seriously, i hate it when everytime i've heard the stories, the mind starts to go haywire again. In fact, i love to hear the stories. I love to ask, but everytime my ears spare the stories and the mouth had to ask, THERE goes, the heart getting ripped off. Why oh why. I dun like my thoughts.

You can't expect them to be there for you 24hrs around the clock.
You can't expect them to always reply ur texts like immediately.
You can't expect them to comfort you with all the nice words everytime you're feeling down.
You can't expect them to be your expectations.

Maybe, your expectations are way too high.

My mondays are always ain't good.

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