
Maternity Leave.

Monday, July 23, 2012

One of the few advantages of getting pregnant is; of coz the 4 months maternity leave. 13 more days to the long rest which I've been patiently waiting.

Bcoz, work sucks. It has been suckier nowadays. With the shortage of manpower, with my kuku HOD, with nonsense people working here. These kinda of people need to learn their lesson. I'm praying that they can't get any new staff within these 13 days. And then. HAHA. baru padan muker kau. My husband warned me not to pick up any calls from the office when i'm on leave. And yes, i will ignore.

Everytime when i go check-up, my blood pressure is usually high. When the doctor asked, am i stressed up with anything, i would just say no. Indeed, i'm not that stressed up with work until like, this period. I tink, i tink too much. So, i will heckcare from now on. I will just ya ya, okay okay and poof, go for maternity leave. Seriously, i can't waaaaait!

In life,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In life,

One is not supposed to talk big, to show off, and to be arrogant.

When you do that, not only God hates that. But us, normal human beings hate that. And some even curse you back saying all those not nice words behind your back. And do you know that, what goes out from our mouth is Do'a? So, try to imagine, some or maybe a whole lot of people saying unpleasant words to you, hoping you'll get into all those mishaps and all? Astarghfirrullahalazim. Aren't you scared? If you are not, i am. And i don't understand why there are people who still do all these. Who are too arrogant and too show-off-ing. Haiya.

Revenge is something that will make us feel, puas hati. But, its not about revenge, but its about for that particular person to learn a lesson. To learn not being too show off. Oh, its just a piece of paper, a diploma. And you're talking as if you've earned some masters shit. And please, your diploma is not from some recognised organisation. If it's from a polytechnic, then fine. But this, you were not qualified at all to continue for this piece of paper at all.

In life,

Its better to just keep quiet at times and let the flow goes. Oh well, i'm already like that. But, of course, when the time comes for me to shout. I will screaaaaaam.
