
LJS / Name.Country.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

On the released day of New Moon, 3rd Dec, was the day when starbucks gave away free drinks too. I didnt noe until my bro told me. Before that, ariah n me had already planned to meet up and plan for our next photoshoooot cum picnic. But then, the queue was extremely marvellous and we decided to swap to LJS. And Sporeans are really kiasuuu okay plus plus stingy nak mamps. Even a tiny weeny donation, they refused. But when given free drinks, they can even ask their grandma/son/daughter/husband etc etc to line up and get that f*kng free drink. Disgusting laa these ppl eh.

can't wait for the plans to be reality. Date haven't set yet as we noe, u noe, that we are busy. haha. And we ended up playing; NAME/COUNTRY/FRUITS/ANIMALS/THINGS.

i heard sumone's addicted to it huh? haha. we should play this again somedayy! and i had the most funn-EST. nite.

and on that day too, i wanted to say this,
Don't say too much bad things about that particular person because you might end up with that bad-mouthed person of yours by YOU.

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