afiq got back from perth. i swear he got too many stories to tell. especially the FOOD part. haha. kept on complaining about the breakfast that they provided there. He said, kept on giving him cereals and breads. And he got sick of it. I replied by saying; "U cant expect them to give you nasi bungkus or mee soto rite?"
=.= bacens laa afiq. ahaha. and so yeah, since he has been complaining, my dad decide to blanja us at usual place, East Coast. hehhs. oh wells, my dad has alwaes been blanja-ing us. kekek.
my parent's favourite. why? dun ask. just love it.
dun eee when you see vegetables. i loveee veggies. but i dun see why im still FAT. haha.
and here are 2 pics which afiq took in Perth which i tink its lovelyy. hehs. especially the clouds from the airplanee! i wan to go on an airplaneee again. pretty plssss.
why i feel as if im just like a toilet paper?
when in need, the person will look for me no matter how/where/wadever.
when not needed, im just there, lying around. not even in contact.
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