
Raut wajahmu;

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

i can't believe i'm going back to work next week, Mondayyyyyyyyy. oh my, the monday blues will be back. uwekkkk. time flies reallie fast when i'm at home. Kalau pat keje, mak ai. mcm bleh tdo berpuluh kali bangon balek pon tak time-time nak balek. aiya.

and of coz, i'm going to miss every single bit of moment while i was at home taking care of this little monster! hehe. He makes my world goes weeehooo everytime he smiles at me you noe. Can't beat the most good-looking guy out there. Mehehe. 

Look below; iphone cameras are the best when it comes to capturing babies expressions. Although, the resolutions are not that good.


the most i would miss; bathing him every morning after his feed.

his style of 'buat-cake'. yummm? heh.

 his cries. fake ones i tell you. ngade-ngade.

 my most favourite, watching him sleep. ZzzzZZzz.

its gonna be November tomorrow. which means, i'll be a year older on the very 3rd day of the month. which is, dua-puloh tiga. I dunnoe why, i dun feel as excited as i was as in previous years.Maybe because, i have the most precious gift that God has granted me. So ever precious that i wouldn't even want to exchange with anything else although he cries alot, poops on me, pee-ed on me etc etc. Hehe.

okaylah, baby dah nangis! toodles.

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