
baby, baby, baby, oh.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yg ke tiga-puluh minggu;

Went for check-up with mum yesterday, and that was the very first time without the husb as he had to attend course. My high-blood pressure is forever high and i wonder why. Baby is kicking and moving like nobody's business and i can see my tummy moved by itself okay! it's really a blissful feeling although its kinda scary to see it move like a wave. And i kept on feeling pokings from inside the tum tum. Cute feeling la. Hehe.

The nurses has started giving me advices on what to do if i see any unusual things happening. Where to go and what to bring. Who to call and all that. Thinking about it, i'm really scared. InsyaAllah, i hope things will go smoothly.

Ouh, after all the waitings & patience, husband finally got the job that he has been wanting. Rezeki anak org kater, Alhamdullilah syukur Amin! :) its so true when he kept on saying to be patient and everything that happens, surely there are brighter days in the future! And yerp, i can see rainbows coming! Hehe. <3

babies; i wanna have your babies.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Tuesday.

I can't stop looking at these 2 siblings. They are just too cute to be true.

kids just have funny stories eh? Like Farrell, he kept on bouncing his butt when i asked whether the cupcake tat he was eating is nice? And he uses any sticks or wadsoever to imitate his dad smoking. Aiyo. So cute la but the smoking part is a big NO to follow.

i wonder wad my baby boy will come up with his funny stories. hehehe.

I dreamt of giving birth last night. I wasn't in pain at all. The next minute i knew, i saw my baby in my hands. Funny but true, i am scared of giving birth but i want to feel how it feels like. I wanna know the pains, the endurance that my mum went through while in labour. InsyaAllah, i'll just pray for the best.

It has been quite sometime since me & hubs had a heart-to-heart session. So yesterday he was on leave, and i was too tired to go work Heh. And we talked and talked. From nonsense topics to topics about whose features the baby is gonna follow, to whether he will be right or left handed, until we came to talk about death. I cried when he asked me; 'Can we still see each other after death?' I am scared till i cried so badly. :'( i do wonder that everytime too, but yesterday the thought was too deep.

now i feel like hugging my husband already.