

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Once upon a time,(eh, don't sleep ah heheh) we were so broke & we couldn't find any other ways to make money. I decided to sell off our engagement ring & wedding ring. No one else knew, only us & my mom.

I wasn't sad nor angry. I willingly let it go. Hubs was reluctant but I said, its just a ring. Other stuffs needed more attention than my rings.

That was about 2yrs ago.

As time passes, hubs kept on saying, one day I will surely buy for you another ring. But I didn't really bother coz its alright to use those fake ones coz like I said, it's just a ring.

So the other day we were walking around a shopping mall & hubs suddenly dragged me into Pandora. He knows I dun really like Pandora but he told me to just look-look see-see.

And then a ring caught my eyes. So pretty that I took it & tried it on. Looking at the design, I thought it would cost over $500. But it was only $129.

Some girls care abt carats & diamonds. But not me.

And he got me a bangle too. I didn't noe Pandora got this kind of bangles. Superrrrr love!

ME: "How you know they have these kinds?"
HUSB: "Of coz, I've done my research."

Syukur Alhamdullilah. :))

32nd / 5th

Thursday, May 5, 2016


The Bandung trip that we went was planned since Dec 2015. It started with me asking my husb, "Can we go for a special trip since its our 5th anni?"

We thought of Hongkong but since we wanted to do our raya clothings, we decided for Bandung.

I was excited plus worried at the same time as it was my KQs first flight. Alhamdullilah all was good. Qautsar slept throught the 1hr55min journey & Qusyairi played for awhile and then slept too. 😴

I love everything about Bandung, except the traffic. As their mode of transport is either by bike/car/van, jam rabak bro. The distance might be only 1km but due to the traffic, it could take u up to 30mins to reach the destination. So, it's better to go there during weekdays as weekends wud be really packed.

Back to raya outfits tat was tailored there. Everything cost 1.9juta rupiah which includes;

-husb baju kurung
-KQs baju kurung
-2 baju kurung for me
-1 dress
-1 kain

Worth it la. Pics? Wait for raya k. Hehe. The tailor guy came to our hotel to take our measurements. By the time he reached, it was already 11pm Singapore time. And my boys were already asleep. He took the boys measurement while they were asleep & still did a good job. And all those outfits were ready by the next day. I'm seriously amazed by these people. They really put their heart & soul into what they're doing. You know coz their face will show. ☺

Oh, & the weather there is not as hot as here in Singapore. I know if its super hot my sweat will meleleh on my face already. 💦

A super short video to summarize the whole trip. Too busy to take too many videos laa. Hehe!

So here it is:


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


The minute when Qusyairi's teacher said; "Qusyairi mummy, hold on ya i need to talk to you". My heart was beating reaaal fast coz the other day, i overheard a conversation between his teacher & a mommy. Saying that the child said some bad words in class & the teacher even asked the child who taught you all those words and the child just kept quiet.

So, being a worry mummy, i thought Qusyairi did the same thing. I was even ready to scold him infront of his teacher.

But then... The teacher said;

"Qusyairi mummy, which hand does he usually use to hold his pencil? Bcoz he kept on changing hands. But when he hold on the left, he can grip really well."

I laughed with a sigh of relief! I thought he did something bad in school. Heheh. The teacher was actually worried if its okay to let him use his left hand. Then i said, i'm a lefty too & i guess he's the same. 😂

He still change from left hand to right hand whenever he's tired of one hand. Ahduiii budak satu ni. 


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Alhamdullilah, MasyaAllah.

Got addicted with buying online stuffs from ezbuy(daigou). Being a housewife is equals to: wanting all my stuffs to be below $10. Yess, i sound cheapskate but i loooove cheap stuffs. I can't be bothered when ppl tell me about their expensive bags, clothes etc etc.

Bcoz, easy. I'm not working and i dun hv as much money as them lor. And i dun go around asking my husb for money to buy this and that. Coz i know how much he has to pay. Kalau ada lebih, ada lah. ✌

Bought 3 things from ezbuy that cost less than $20.
- long cardigan
- white top
- sling bag

Now whenever i go window shopping & the husb will ask; "you nak tak baju tu?"

And i will answer, "nope unless its below $10." Huhuhu. 

Wah, if travelling is as cheap as ezbuy, i would have travelled every week. 

So lets, keep calm & save for travelling! 😂


Thursday, March 31, 2016


Alhamdullilah, masyaAllah for every sec given by the One abv to still breathe and to enjoy every nikmah given by Him.

The past few days i've heard alot of deaths. Firstly the smrt incidents & 2ndly our dearest Long Misah from the husb side had passed on after suffering from cancer. Innalillahwainnalilahirojiun.

A reminder for us who are still living, for death doesnt wait. Kalau dah ajal, anytime.
Whenever i thought abt mine, i just couldnt imagine wads gonna happen. :(

May all of us be brought back to Him in khusnul khatimah. Amin amin ya rabbal alamin..

Hello Twenty-15!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Assalamualaikum wrb!

It's beeen decades eversince i wrote in this blog eh. How to blog? So busy every minute & every sec. Haha. Exaggerating much hor? Well actually, when i have my own free time, i'll be excitedly watching my korean dramas. which, is only during my boys' naptime at noon, which lasts abt 2 hrs? yeah. 

So how's life as a SAHM? It's been an eye-opener. To wanting to be a better mom everyday. 2014 was a year with so much challenges & trials. Which was wayyy more after i stopped working. Seriously. With incomes being cut, with me doing everything, handling two boys, it wasn't easy. And then Qusyairi had 2 falls straight in a month, one having a deep cut on the eyebrow, the other caused a lost of his 2 front teeth. Ya Allah, only you know my feelings during those moments. My heart felt as if it dropped to the floor & i wished i could just turned back that 1 sec & stopped those scary moments from happening.

But, I thank Allah for everything. For giving us the strength to overcome all his trials. 

Khair Qautsar has turned 1 on 12th Dec. Time flies. He's starting to walk and i am witnessing every milestone that he's achieving. Duh, i'm with him 24/7. Hehe. 
While my Khair Qusyairi, loves to disturb his brother. Always. Everyday at home it feels as if i'm giving NCC commands to them. Hahaha. I tried talking softly lei, tapi mcm tak jalan gituu. 😝 i guess my neighbors are already used to hearing my voice everyday eh.

I really look up to both of my parents. I know all parents are good role models & mine are the best. Their patience, they way they bring up both my brother & me, are the best examples that I should be taking. I pray for them everyday to keep them in the best of health, to protect them from any evil doings, to be happy always. InsyaAllah, Amin amin..

thank you 2014, 
now now, let's goooo 2015! 

Azman Shariff

Friday, April 11, 2014

I would like to dedicate this post to my one & only husband.

He has that patience & a strong heart to avoid negative comments.
Those comments doesn't come from anywhere but from his very own flesh & blood. Those were directed to him, but i'm the one who's hurt. I'm the one who feels like punching that person's face. 

But he will be like; 

"Biar lah dia ckp mcm tu. Sabar aje okay?"

Sigh, i'm not saying my husband is a good person, but masyaAllah, may Allah grant him the highest level in Jannah. I wanna meet him there. InsyaAllah. :'(

Thank you for being the best. 

Thank you for being such a responsible father to both our kids.
Thank you for always keeping your promises.
Thank you for pampering me. 
Thank you for being always there.

"Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning"

two thousand fourteen.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hi, it's April already?! 

I didn't even have time to blog when i sit at home handling 2 boys. I'm blogging now coz i'm at work which my last day would be in 30th April? Yerp, tendered and sadly i couldn't clear my leave. They will pay me by cash. So yerp, SAHM waiting for me. A total of mixed feelings actually. I've decided to leave my monthly pays & bonuses to take care of my boys.

Alot of ppl says that i look like him? So happy like gundu. Hahah. Coz Qusyairi looks more like my husband and eveywhere i go will be like "Eh, muker ikot ayah dier eh. Eh, perangai mcm bapak dier eh." (Coz he can't keep still just like Azman when he was young.) So etc, etc. So when Qautsar came out looking like me, it feels as if the 9mnths carrying him inside my tummy was paid off la. Hehe. But but, at the end of the day, doesn't matter who looks like who, who follows who. Yang penting, jadi anak yg soleh & baik. InsyaAllah. Amin Amin.

Khair Qautsar is totally different from Khair Qusyairi. When Qusyairi was in the early months. He 'loves' to cry. What i meant by crying is: wailing. We got scared & panicked & stressed up lorr. As first timers, of coz we had no experience in dealing with small babies. So, i got to know that what i ate for Qusyairi during pregnancy was lotsa rubbish. I love eating fast food during his time. Drink super cold drinks & love to come home late at night (of coz with the husb). So, that actually causes 'Kembong Perot': Air in tummy. That was why he cried so much due to pain.

When i knew i got pregnant again, i've learnt my lesson. I had fast food like twice or thrice throught the whole 9months. And i love to drink warm soya bean. And of coz, doa(s). Hehehe. And, Alhamdullilah for Qautsar! :)

I still remember when i was in labour for Qautsar. It wasn't time yet. In fact, it was 1 month earlier. I was bleeding a little & that day I was suppose to go for check up too. I went to KK straight and cervix was only abt 3-5cm. 2 out of 10 of contraction pain. I got warded & contractions became more painful. (mcm tau pulak masok hospital). Got transferred to the labour ward & pain got worse. I remembered i told the nurse i want to go for opt coz i couldn't stand the pain. And my husb shirt got pulled everytime i tried dealing with the contraction. Subhanallah, only God knows how painful it was. But Alhamdullilah, i gave birth to a healthy boy. :)

30th april, come fast. I wanna be with my boys 24/7!

Bersyukurlah, will you?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Be GRATEFUL for what you have.

What we always do in our short life? COMPLAIN. 

Complain je tau. Ni tak btol, ni tak bagus. Ni tak boleh. Ni tak cukop. Ni tak lawa. Ni tak itu. Ni tak ini.


Let's atleast say Alhamdullilah once in a day. :)

And i find this a really good wake up call.


Mendengar isteri membebel di rumah, bererti aku masih punya keluarga.

Mendengar suami masih berdengkur di sebelahku bererti aku masih punya suami.

Mendengar ayah dan mak menegurku dengan tegas bererti aku masih punya mak ayah.

Merasa letih setiap ptg selepas penat bekerja, itu bererti aku mampu bekerja keras.

Membersihkan pinggan dan cawan kotor setelah menerima tamu di rumah, itu bererti aku punya teman.

Pakaianku terasa agak sempit, itu bererti aku makan cukup.

Mencuci dan menyetrika tumpukan baju, itu berarti aku memiliki pakaian.

Membersihkan halaman rumah, mop lantai, itu berarti aku memiliki tempat tinggal.

Mendapatkan banyak tugasan, itu berarti aku dipercayai dapat melakukannya.

Mendapatkan banyak komplen dari customer kita menandakan bahwa customer kita masih ada, masih loyal dan menginginkan kita menuju perubahan ke arah lebih baik.

Mendengar bunyi exzos & hon itu bererti aku bisa mendengar

Mendengar bunyi Azan di pagi hari, itu berarti aku masih hidup.

Akhirnya banyak hal yang dapat kita syukuri setiap hari.

Aku juga bersyukur mendapatkan pesan ini, karana secara tidak sedar aku masih memiliki teman yang peduli padaku. Seseorang yang peduli tentang aku telah mengirimkannya kepadaku.  
Dan kerana aku ambil peduli tentangmu maka aku mengirimkannya kepadamu.
Berhenti mengeluh dan bersyukurlah. Bersyukur dalam setiap keadaan meskipun tak ada alasan untuk bersyukur sekalipun. Semoga yang membaca pesan ini selalu diberkati dengan kesihatan, kebahagiaan dan kedamaian.
I'm thankful with what i've got in this life. I need a big tight slap whenever i complain.
May Allah forgive all my sins & the times when i'm not ever grateful. :((

27th week.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Been absolutely busy for the past few weeks.

Admitted in hospital for the very first time in my life(except for giving birth). I was panicked & shocked when i saw blood in my panties. Well, i had bleeding for the first trimester of this pregnancy but that was normal. But bleeding in 6months? Oh my. I called up KK & they asked me to come down to check.

Went there checked baby's heartbeat and i got admitted. Alhamdullilah everything was fine. Baby is growing well, heartbeat normal. Bleeding was maybe due to low placenta. And my tummy seems to be smaller compared to when i was having Qusyairi. That is why there are times when i didnt get a seat in the MRT. Ppl might thought that my tummy is just buncit. Kesian kan. :(

I guess, these are dugaan(s) from the Almighty. Problems during pregnancy, problems at work. And there was this one time when i quarelled with my mum. Gosh, me & my sensitive-ness.

I've got a few more months to overcome all these. Dec, start maternity leave and next year a SAHM. Yezzaaaar. :P

i thank God for this wonderful hoosband of mine. been very supportive & giving me lots of advice. 
always pamper me with my cravings. tolerating my mood swings, and listening to all my rants. 
doesn't mind the shirt getting all wet due to my tears & hingus. :P
larbchuuuuu lah. 

haiya, its super difficult to take his pic okay. this was yesterday's Aidiladha's pics.
love the outfit that my mum bought for Qusyairi. Deepavali came early for him laaa. Hahah.

He's been very active. Walk here walk there, talk his nonsense language which sometimes only my mum & me can understand. He loves fishball & nasi ayam alot. Chocolates too. Especially kit-kats. Hahahah.
His tummy very buncit now like the father. :P hehehe!

I don't know how to put in words of how much i love this boy. 
He make me laugh everyday, he makes me tired but i enjoyed every moment of it. 
I can cry if i didn't meet him just for one day.

do what makes you oh-so happy! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

hello September!
these photos were actually taken by ourselves. well, actually using the remote control for the Canon!
i've been wanting to do this for so long after i bought the remote from gmarket which was super duper cheap tat time.

so, last Saturday, we had nowhere to go after we brought Qusyairi for a swim. (which he only swam for awhile coz the water was super duper cold la.)

and so here we go for our syiok sendiri pics!
the pic below was taken a few times till it looked abit perfect.
it was difficult with a little one to take photos. really. 
Qusyairi was already hek hok hek hok here & there but we just buat bodoh. 

we had less than 30 shots & didn't expect every shot to turn out well but, some was really niceee!
i kept smiling to myself when i see those photos again & again. hehe.

  so the last few ones he started crying already. he was already sleepy laa during this time. 

do what makes you oh-so happy. taking pics of my own family & other ppl's happy occasion makes me happy. & not forgetting balloons! mehehe.

house to the wife.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"And to your favorite song we sang along to the start of forever."

So tomorrow is the day for me to go for the detailed scanning. I dunnoe why but im feeling real nervous. Alot are guessing its a girl. And here I am scared to let all those ppl down. But after much thinking, i shouldn't put too much stress on this. All I want is for my baby to be healthy & growing well. U can depend on the scanning, but Allah s.w.t can change anytime He wants.
In shaa Allah everything goes well. Amin Amin. 
And i can't wait to eat my Yong Tau Foo at KK tmr. Haha.

I guess i've decided to be a full-time housewife after giving birth to my 2nd child. Kept on thinking about the same thing over & over again for the past few weeks. It was quite a difficult choice to make. But after getting opinions from alot of people, i've made up my mind.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I tell youu, i am so going crazy all over them! I want all my stuffs to have minions. :D

Anihoooo, selamat menyambut bulan yg mulia ini, bulan Ramadhan.

In shaa Allah, if can, i wanna fast the whole of this month. Try not to miss any of the days. With Qusyairi, i did try. But the last 5 days were the days when the little man decided to pop out to this world. With this little new one growing inside, in shaa Allah, i can. Co-operate with ibu okay? :*

And yes, i'm pregnant again. The first time i knew abt it, i had mixed feelings. With Qusyairi who is still a baby, only turning a year this 13th aug, with me staying on my own already, & with my workplace which is deciding to be sucky right now. I wasn't expecting to be pregnant again, but still, Alhamdullillah, rezeki Allah s.w.t.

And here it is;

I had a confusion for the last date of my menses. So i just hentam tell my private doc when it was. So the doc predicted my EDD will be in Feb. So, i went for a check-up last monday, did a scan, only got to know that baby is already 3 months growing inside my tum-tum. And corrected EDD would be in 12.01.14. In shaa Allah. Alot are saying tat my 2nd one would be a girl. (dunnoe how they guess also. haha) But for me, i wouldn't mind another boy. If its a girl, syukur syukur Alhamdullilah. And i would stop after that. Mehehe. I love kids, if can, i wanna have 4 or 5. But with Singapore's standard of living & their education system nowadays, scares me.

You know how last time we all have spelling test during kindergarten right? It was only one word & had only abt 5 of them right? You know how it is for now? They have dictations in kindergarten! Like for example;

1. Walking along the beach
2. Collect seashells

So scary. I wonder how my kids will handle all those. :( 

I had thoughts of becoming a housewife after i gave birth to my 2nd one. There are pros & cons in both. To think about the management in my workplace, the manager not being understanding & unappreaciative, i would have left my job by now. But to think about my colleagues, how i enjoy doing my work which i've been doing for the past 5 years, & the pay & bonuses. I really want to continue working. If i were to be a housewife, the tiredness will be there. But i will be very happy & satisfied at the end of the day. Sighhh, i hope i will make the right decision when the time comes.

Whatever it is, 


P/S: i am going to collect all their happy meals toys at macdonalds. a promise! heheh.

money, do drop from the sky please?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

i noe our 2nd anni was wayyy back in May the 14th. But errr, this post is considered a belated one lah eh? Heheh.

Wells, this video was actually being planned for our 1st anni. But i was slowly doing it and it dragged till our 2nd year being together. I got this idea of A-Z letters from Pinterest. Oh i tell you, pinterest gave me so much inspirations. From gifts, to home decors, to personalized stuffs & many many more. Got the idea of doing a bideo from my very own brain. :P So after showing the pictures to the husb, i still remembered he covered his face with a pillow. I kept on asking whyyyyyy. And he answered, he was touched. And he actually teared lah. Auww, i didnt expect this from him.

this naughty girl's name is hesty qistina. She used to be oh-so-cute which can make ppl all go gerrrrraaaam over her. Oh, tat was wayyy when she was abit younger lah. Now? She goes around biting ppl. Yes, BITE. She even bit Qusyairi lorr. My goodness. Firstly, it was on the left arm. And den 2nd attempt, she tried to bit Qusyairi's head eh. Luckily i was fast enough to let her go. And when i "HEPP" her, she imitate my "HEPP". Hahahaha. Kids can be so cute & scary at the same time eh. Haha.

I love kids la. I shud've worked in a childcare. Oh no no, my dream now is: to be a full-time housewife. I want to watch my babies grow each day. I want to be by their side. I want to cook everyday for the husband, to greet him at the the door when he comes from everyday. Haiz, but what to do, Singapore sho difficult la. Wait till my husb's pay reached 5k lah. Den i can resign my job & be a tai-tai at home. In shaa Allah, maner laa tau kan? :D

I so need a holiday real soon. In shaa Allah after house matters settles.


Friday, May 10, 2013

i've been browsing through moustache themed parties for the past few hours. Thought of doing something "moustache" for my little man's 1st B'day. 

From the birthday cake, to the goodie bags, to the photo booth & of coz my little man must have a moustache on that day. Hehe!

Now, the problem is, his birthday falls on Raya. I might be doing his birthday cum open house for my little 3-room flat. And i'm wondering how's the crowd is going to be lorr. 

My family + Azman's family combined together =  habis lah.
Hmmmm, still thinking of a better way. 

oh belon.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


If you were given a chance to open up a business. What business would it be?

For me, i would loooove to open up a balloon shop. There might not be that much of profit. But as long as it makes other people happy, and to see them smiling, that would make me smile too. And of coz, i love balloons too much that i want to carry them everywhere i go. And also to snap pics with the balloons!

It does feel good to see other people happy instead of getting other people into an argument right? What is the purpose of that eh? Why do you want people to argue or get into a fight and not talking to each other for months. Are you a kindergarten kid or a pri sch kid? Because i always get into geng tak geng tingy during those days where this person talks bad abt other person then the person will ask that person and then the person won't admit that he/she said it. And then it continues again & again. Wadzehellman.

You all are such grown ups fit enough to be a grandma or a grandad. So, please act like one.

I have other better things to think of and to entertain to rather than to hear all of your bullshit stories. And please, don't get me involved in your tak-abis-abis-adik-beradik-nak-bertekak problems.

I'm sad to see these kind of things happening to my own aunts & uncles. I always pray for them to be more matured & just be happy as siblings. And in shaa Allah, i don't want all these to happen to my own family. Amin.

Hedge Dee Bee.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

 my little prince has been sick for the past 1 week. Firstly fever, and then when fever subsides, there comes his bad coughing and running nose. such a poor thing to see him coughing and hearing his phlegm inside his throat. get well soon okay darling? 

everyday is work, work and the routine continues. I will be looking forward to every weekends to spend time with my little family. Doesn't matter just at home or we'll spend time outdoor. Although it will be a tiring week after that, those tiredness will actually poof in thin air whenever i hear the little boy's laughter & see him smiling. :)

oh wells, i'm so in love with polka dots that i wanted Qusyairi to wear polka dots too. But err, not to appropriate for his gender right? HA-HA. So, lets wait for a little girl and i can buy as much polka dots stuff as i want. woo-hoo.

actually, this post and the title doesnt really match hor? the thing is, i don't really want to focus on that. I'm just scared. A letter came for a confirmation and within a few weeks, i will receive my keys. I tell you, i will definitely cry while i pack my stuffs and remembering those primary to sec to working life to relationships to getting married to getting pregnant to giving birth & the list goes on. The most important part is, my mum. I am wondering how my life would be when i'm without her. Can i be a supermom like her too? Can i manage all those housework to taking care of my child & the husband? Oh dear Allah, please give me strength.

I wanna cry. Really.





Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Tuesdate with the husband.

Ate at his feberet place, Seoul Garden. (oh, i promised to treat him after he went up & down coz i left after paying for Qusyairi's milk without taking it. Belo right?) So yeah, it really felt like we were dating in the days back then before marriage. We eat eat eat, talk talk talk & there will surely be one joke that make us laugh super loud in Seoul Garden.

And then we went for bowling! (oh, we had free tickets for a game!) hehe. It has been like 84341331 months i've not played. Eversince the start of pregnancy i wasn't allowed to bowl. And guess what lah, as i was about to throw the ball, it went behind. Thanks ah. Thanks. Malu den.

We karaoke-d after that! Ahhhhhhhh, i miss singing! Been pestering the hubs to go karaoke and he kept on saying later later later. So i sang my hearts out lorr. Heeee. And i didnt know we get free one hour on weekdays! Syiokkk lah.

And when we got home, we had movie marathon. That was when after Qusyairi was asleep lah. Eating tidbits, laughing together anddd, the husband snored. Hmm, nothing new. Hahah.

We don't usually have our own time after we had Qusyairi. During the day, when we are about to enjoy a movie, there he goes waking up again and cry for milk or for attention. But wadever it is, we are so blessed to have our little boy around. He taught us to have more patience, to smile alot and, seriously, marriage is much more meaningful after he was born. :)

Cili Padis to my Banmian.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

they are like my chili padis to my banmian.
without chili padi, my banmian is not syiok enough to eat.
and a day without them, its incomplete. <3 p="p">

and i'm alone at home. the husband, a day out with his friends & Qusyairi out with his nenek & atok to jemputan. the feeling is like, as if there's a hole in my heart. boleh gitu? :P
i may nag, shout, ask to do this, to do that, make angry faces, masam faces,
but i love these 2 guys in my life, every little bits & pieces of them.
i do question myself most of the times; what if my husband gets tired of my naggings & scoldings & whining?

i did asked him once; have u ever regret in marrying me?
he said; 
i've once sang this song to you;
"Andai esok, aku menjadi tanah, sudikah engkau menjadi bunganya?"
i cried like crazy lah, wad else. heh. :')

he may not be rich,
he may not have enough money,
he doesn't pamper me with expensive stuffs,
he may not listen to what i tell him to do,
he may irritate me and make me shout back at him,
he may eat alot and even eat my share,
he snores everynight,


he can make me laugh till i'm out of breath,
he will want to end a quarrel as soon as possible,
he give me hugs like he knows when i needed one,
he make me thank God everyday that he was my other half.

HE matched him with me.
HE chosed him for me.
HE knows the right person for me.
Thank you Allah.


Salam Semua.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You know how i hate it when i didn't blog for quite sometime and i will go, "oh my, its been a month or err, half a year gone, or its been weeks since i last blogged". Somebody should just slap me laaa. I mean, who cares if i blog or doesn't? HAHA. I'm not someone who is popular for people to be reading this little, humble blog of mine. so yeah.

And so, life resumes as i've started working. Working life, a wife & a mother. I seriously thank God that i have my mom. She's been taking care of Qusyairi when i went out for work. She doesn't complain, she doesn't nag at all. I'm still proud as ever of her. She can still cook, clean, do ironing & still layan my botak boy.

On the 13th of Dec, my mommy turned 49 & it was the same day when the bro got enlisted for Tekong! When we all guessed that he will surely kena police. But in the end, army says HI to him! hehe.

of course, mum cries on the day itself & she just cried again last 2 days. she said she missed afiq & scared he will get tortured in camp. auww ibu.. 
my mum is like that one lah. when i was going for camp in pri 5. she kissed me left & right and tears already gathered in her eyes. 
and she also told me that when i went for my honeymoon, she cried coz she missed me. 
ibuuuuuu, gue sayang sama loh. forever & ever.
fyi, while typing this, i feel like crying myself too. oh, mums are like that issit? hee.

sigh, my boy is growing up too fast. super fast indeed. 
there are days where he gets way too cranky, or too happy, or too active. 

my cranky superman.

he's getting adorable as days passes.
what i like most now is; he doesnt wakes up as much as he does when it was during his early months.

and he kept on wanting to hold his own bottle when his hands are not that big enough & he doesnt even know how to grab it. MCM PAHAM ONLY LA this boyyy. haha. and ohh, he loves it when there are ppl around him talking to him. and he will response; either by shouting or heyyyy, or hooooo, or raaaaaaa & wadever else baby languages lah.

and weehee! bonus coming! there a super long list which i need to buy. and hands are itching to shop!
And also, i wanna go S.E.A Aquarium! mcm best jeeee.