First thing first, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, minal aidil wal faizin! :)
2nd thing, I've given birth to Khair Qusyairi Bin Azman on the 13th August 2012, 25 Ramadhan 1433 @ 2255hrs.
Here are pics, a few days before 13th Aug.
And here I am, wanting to share the experience I had during labour and what it feels like to be a mother. :)
Of coz, labour was indeed madness and painful. Those who said it wasn't painful must be the ones who playcheat or just doesnt want to scare you. Like my mum said, 'you will know when the time comes'. And to describe the exact words during labour, only Allah s.w.t the Almighty will know how to.
**potong line: i hate my house's keyboard. so difficult to type lah.
So, on 13th of Aug in the morning at about 8plus, i felt water coming out and i thought it was pee. I went to toilet and i actually 'pee-ed' before i sat down on the toilet bowl. It was being repeated for about 3 times. On & off i got up from bed and went to the toilet. I called mum and asked is this what they called the waterbag and mum wasn't sure herself. So i called up SGH to ask. I was adviced to come down as they will do a check. Husband got panicked plus excited, while me on the other hand, still kept thinking about Raya. I kept on telling my husb & my mum that i die-die want to Raya first before giving birth. As errr, you noe lah, i want to eat all the nice-nice food before my pantang starts.
When i reached SGH, they started putting wires all around. That already got me scared. A female doctor came to check how many CM has my cervix opened. THAT was the first pain i felt as she will feel it with her fist. It was only 1cm when she first checked. And, the water that flowed out was my waterbag leaking & no reason why it leaked too early when my due date is only on the 8th Sept. I was induced, i could only pee in a pot as i couldn't get up(they dun allow). My contractions started about 3 in the afternoon and it was still bearable. As a first timer, i didn't know contractions would be more & more painful as labour gets nearer. When the nurses kept asking me whether to take epidural or not, i kept on saying no as i was being supported by the gas which helped me relieve the pain abit.
So, the next cervix check was at 6pm, which was only 3cm. my face was totally like this: -_______-
I was like, Bila nak game seiiiiiii? Hahaha. Husband who was there by my side all the way, kept asking me to take epidural but this big headed girl still say no. So, i told myself and husb, by the next check which would be at 11pm, if still not open till 8cm & abv, i will take epidural.
By 9plus, the contractions started to be more & more severe. The pain is ON & OFF. When it comes, the feeling is like menses cramps but 1000000000000000000000000 way moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee painful. ouch right. THEN, i asked for epidural. I guess about 10:30pm, (i couldn't look at the clock already coz too painful; can't be bothered)
a nurse checked, & my cervix is already 8cm! Everyone was shocked including my husb as it went from 3cm to 8cm in tat short period of time. Hehe. By then, epidural was cancelled and more nurses started to come in to help. Bcoz, i tell you one secret, whenever the contractions came, i didn't noe how i got the strength to PUSH together with the pain, when no one tells me to do so. I guess, that causes the cervix to open.
And then, the PUSHES and the breathings started. And please eh, no shouting. We were told to close our lips during the pushing part. I accidentally opened my mouth and shouted and got scolded by the nurse. HAHAHA.
At one point of time, the doctor told me to stop pushing as she saw the baby's head already. I couldn't stop pushing as it was too painful and POOOOPED! Khair Qusyairi FLEW OUT! >.< syukur alhamdullilah, he was 2.7kg at the time of birth. :)
So, epidural comes in action when it was time for the sewing part. Epidural is really a magical injection eh. Once it got injected in the spine, we will not be able to feel half bottom of our body within a few seconds. When i used my hand to feel my legs, i thought it was cushion. Haha.
Once everythin was done, i felt so weak. I kept on seeing stars. I couldn't stand properly. They said i lost quite a huge amount of blood during labour.
So, how does labour sounds to you? For those who have gone through labour, wa salute sama luuuu! hehe.
Coming up next episode: Aftermath of labour.